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This topic is near and dear to my heart. As healthcare providers, it is assumed we will provide compassionate care to those we serve, as it is inherently part of our job. However, research shows that the capacity for compassion can vary and depend on a wide variety of factors. There may be challenges we face that may influence or inhibit our ability to offer and receive compassion. I have certainly experienced many of these challenges in my personal and professional life. I have also experienced and witnessed the tremendous value that compassion practices can have on both my life and the people in pain I work with.
In this short presentation I outline some of the challenges and the benefits of cultivating compassion and self-compassion in pain care for both the person living with pain and the health provider.
Compassion in pain care is more than just extending kindness towards people in pain. It involves gaining a more in-depth understanding and insight into the needs of the person we are serving and ourselves, then choosing responses that serve both, within the context of the situation.
Enjoy the presentation and please feel free to share with anyone you think may also enjoy and benefit:
**For more information and resources including articles and guided practices on cultivating compassion and self-compassion CLICK HERE
My book chapter, “Compassion in Pain Care” in our book Yoga and Science in Pain Care: Treating the Person in Pain CLICK HERE
Webinar on “Self-Care During Challenging Times” that includes guided practices:
To learn more about and to access all of the video recordings of the practice series:
a video class series of practices including compassionately guided movement, mindfulness, awareness, breathing practices and reflection activities to cultivate self-compassion,
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