When Kim Williams shares her journey with pain and her recovery from substance use on this episode of Pain BC’s Pain Waves podcast, I was moved, inspired and hoped that healthcare professionals and the general public listen to her story, so that we all might improve our understanding of pain, gain a new perspective of people in pain, and help reduce the stigma associated with people in pain and substance use.
Kim talks about the value she has found in her community and from peer support, the benefit of integrating cultural practices, the merits of exploring self-kindness, and more.
She shares the gratitude that she has for the Vancouver Coastal Health’s Downtown Eastside Chronic Pain Service that is available to her, and, perhaps most importantly, she offers hope and reassurance to any listeners who care for or who themselves are people living with chronic pain.

I hope you appreciate Kim’s courage and strength, and value this podcast episode as much as I did.
Kim’s story starts at the 57 minute mark: CLICK HERE to listen to Kim’s story.