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DSC_5341Yoga for Sexual Health:

Edmonton, AB

Sexuality is an essential part of our human existence, yet it is rarely discussed or addressed; and when it is, it is mostly equated to sex. Sex is certainly a component of sexuality, but there is so much more to it than that!  Even people who do not participate in sex are still sexual beings.

Join me for this unique, inspiring & educational yoga experience exploring one of the most important layers of our being, our sexuality.

We’ll discuss the difference between sex vs. sexuality, why sexuality is even important in our existence, and how yoga can help unleash and harness our sexual energy.

Pelvic health issues such as pain with intercourse, pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, changes that take place with aging, after kids & menopause will also be discussed.

I’ll guide you in a fun yoga practice that addresses these topics and demonstrates how certain movements, breathing methods & meditation can enhance your overall experience of living as a sexual being!
This workshop is appropriate for both men and women and of any sexual orientation.
**This workshop not intended to treat or act as medical advice. Please seek guidance and treatment from a licensed sexual medicine health professional for any sexual dysfunctions, including issues related to sexual abuse. **
To register for this fun, inspiring & transformative experience, contact Divine Health Studio
Ph: 780-418-2164

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