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hawaiiPelvic Pause: PhysioYoga Immersion: Kauai, HI

Join Shelly Prosko, Physical Therapist and Professional Yoga Therapist, for a Pause PhysioYoga Immersion week in beautiful Kauai, HI.

Shelly will be the guest “Feature Teacher” at Pause for 5 consecutive days in an intimate setting of less than 12 students.

You will spend each morning learning from and practicing with Shelly about a variety of topics surrounding all layers (koshas) that influence pelvic floor health to help create and sustain optimal overall health and well being.

Your morning sessions with Shelly will include educational components combined with inspiring and empowering yoga practices (movement, awareness practices, meditation, and breathing practices all integrated with yoga philosophy) that you will be able to transfer to your daily life in practical and sustainable ways.

In addition to the 5 mornings with Shelly, you will also have an opportunity to spend one afternoon with Shelly, in a semi-private setting of 2-4 people, to further ask questions to deepen your personal knowledge and practice as it applies to your uniqueness.

This opportunity for you to take a “Pelvic Pause” is meant to explore & encourage a heightened connection to your pelvic floor and yourSelf; and as a result, enjoy an enriched connection to others, so you can live, shine, and share your most authentic self with those you love and care for, and with the world around you.

From the Pause Team:

“Pause is an opportunity and an experience for you to travel to Hawaii and become immersed in an environment developed to promote changing one’s body rhythms and thought patterns while offering time to reflect on what one finds significant and meaningful.

We have created a format which includes an incredible combination of services for you to experience. Each morning is filled with yoga, walks, bodywork, massage, aromatherapy, healthy food and guided reflection.

Pause is a destination-oriented transformational process that attunes the body to its natural rhythms. This experience takes place in the stunning paradise of a private Hawaiian villa under the direction and care of expert somatic facilitators in conjunction with an elite team of local Lomi-Lomi practitioners.

Our sequenced services change the body’s rhythms by slowing and realigning them through a combined process of structural bodywork, body awareness approaches, guided self reflection, traditional Lomi Lomi Hawaiian massage, essential oils aromatherapy, yoga practices, Tai Chi and walking meditations. Pause delivers a profound and significant release and reordering of the body guided by the wisdom of ancient Hawaiian culture. We support this process with healthy, locally-prepared, organic meals. We also place significant value on free-time as a way to relax, recover and experience the full benefits of our services. From lunch to dinner Pause attendees can read, nap, process, swim, sun, surf, walk and enjoy other activities of interest.

To pause is to surrender your whole self to a place of rest where you can allow the flow of nature and our culture of healing experiences to remove energetic obstacles, renew verve, foster growth, advancement, and expansion into new physical, emotional, and spiritual life!”

~Pause Team

Accommodations + Food included.


**Please contact Michael Solberg to Register and for more details:

Pause Hawaii




**This immersion is not intended to assess or treat or act as medical advice. Please seek guidance and treatment from your health professional in your area for any unmanaged conditions.**


To review a sample of Shelly’s most recent resources:

“Creating Pelvic Floor Health with PhysioYoga” Videos

“Optimizing Pelvic Floor Health Through Yoga Therapy” published in IAYT’s Winter 2016 YTT publication

“Yoga for Pelvic Pain” Episode 21 of Pelvic Health Podcast Australia

TEDx Talk:  Pushing Boundaries in Healthcare

“Overcome Pain with Gentle Yoga” Videos w/Neil Pearson


Shelly Prosko, Physical Therapist, Professional Yoga Therapist & Pilates Instructor, is a highly respected leader & pioneer in the area of PhysioYoga Therapy, a combination of Physical Therapy & Medical Therapeutic Yoga.

Shelly’s mission is to educate, inspire & empower people to create health by authentically sharing her skills, knowledge & expertise as she travels internationally offering specialty PhysioYoga Therapy trainings, presenting at international conferences, lecturing at University programs, instructing at Yoga Teacher & Yoga Therapy Trainings, teaching Life is Now Pain Care Yoga, and teaching medical therapeutic yoga to health professionals at PYTI.

Her courses have been well received globally by yoga teachers, yoga therapists, health care professionals & yoga students of all levels.

Shelly has a unique ability of sharing her passion of blending the art and science of yoga and physical therapy in an engaging & valuable way. Participants express feeling inspired with a sense of joy, gratitude, love & truth.

In addition to her many skills as a health care practitioner, Shelly is also an accomplished figure skater and has traveled the world with many professional ice shows. She is also passionate about music, dance, acting, trapeze and spending quality time connecting with her family and friends.

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