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malasanaMONTREAL: Demystifying Pelvic Health: Your Pelvic Floor & More!

Join Shelly as she presents at the Montreal International Symposium on Therapeutic Yoga: “MISTY”!

A symposium that is dedicated to offering quality education and evidence based yoga. Presenters chosen are highly qualified professionals in their field, Medical & Yoga Experts sharing vast experience and knowledge.

Shelly was invited to present 2 of her workshops:

Pelvic Health is a topic that is often missed or misrepresented when discussed. In this dynamic and informative workshop, Shelly will discuss common pelvic health issues such as incontinence and pelvic pain and explain how a combination of yoga, pilates and physiotherapy can address these issues and help maintain optimal pelvic health.

Discussions will include how the popular “Kegel” exercises can potentially exacerbate many incontinence and pelvic pain issues, how the nervous system is involved in incontinence and pelvic pain, and how pelvic health is so much more than just the pelvic floor!

The differentiation among yoga, yoga therapy and medical therapeutic yoga emphasizing benefits, precautions and potential contraindications as it relates to pelvic dysfunctions will be discussed and explored.

A fun, empowering and inspiring practise consisting of yoga asana, pranayama (including pelvic diaphragmatic breath), meditation, pilates and physiotherapy based exercises will be included.

To register for Shelly’s workshops at this international conference, please visit: http://www.homyogaevents.com/#


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