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dancer opusMONTREAL: “Find Breath.Find Balance: Rediscovering Postural Movement Through Breath”:

Join Shelly as she presents at the Montreal International Symposium on Therapeutic Yoga: “MISTY”!

A symposium that is dedicated to offering quality education and evidence based yoga. Presenters chosen are highly qualified professionals in their field, Medical & Yoga Experts sharing vast experience and knowledge.

Shelly was invited to present 2 of her workshops: Demystifying Pelvic Health and


Find Breath. Find Balance: Rediscovering Postural Movement Through Breath:

Join Shelly as she passionately shares this educational, inspiring and interactive workshop discussing the mechanics and physiology of breathing and how it influences numerous systems of our body, with a focus on how breathing affects postural alignment and movement.

Breathing patterns can influence all 5 Koshas (physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual) of our existence; conversely, the state of our Koshas can influence our breathing patterns. We will also discuss and explore some of the most common and inefficient breathing patterns in our culture (and in the yoga studio!) and how they can lead to states of imbalance.

A fun and inspiring practical yoga component consisting of asanas, pranayama and meditation will be included. Come with an open mind and heart to explore the combination of the science of respiration with the art of yoga.

Please visit http://www.homyogaevents.com/#!shelly-prosko/cxsu to register for this international conference to attend Shelly’s workshops.



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