Balance Flow Yoga Series: Preventing Falls + Injuries – In Person!
2023-Feb-Wed @ 6:15 pm - 7:15 pm
| $150
Photo credit Ron Naresh King
Integrating Research into Practice!
Shelly is offering this 6-week yoga class series based on her collaboration in a recent research study!
Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death for older adults in North America, and worldwide the loss and suffering caused by falls is extensive.
Those in their peri- and postmenopausal years are particularly at risk of falls and related injuries. Fortunately, Yoga shows promise to improve a variety of fall risk factors—and to reduce injury when falls are unavoidable – particularly if the practices, delivery, guidance and cueing are suitable.
Join Shelly Prosko, physiotherapist and yoga therapist, for this 6-week series as she guides you through the key yoga practices and principles used in the Balance Flow Yoga intervention that she co-developed for a recent study evaluating the effect of yoga on fall risk factors and injury risk.
This series is more than just about improving your balance!
Other injury and fall risk factors include: pelvic floor function; upper body mobility, strength and landing capacity; lower extremity strength; core strategy and timing, including how we breathe; and balance confidence!
*This is a class setting where one-on-one balance assistance will not be provided.
Participants must be able to stand and walk independently and safely.
Options will always be offered such as use of chairs and walls for additional support and safety as indicated.
**This class is not meant to act as medical advice or treatment. Please ensure you have clearance to participate in a group fitness class from your licensed healthcare provider before participating.
***This research studied a group of women aged 50–70, although the principles and practices can be applied to any gender or age range for general balance health and fall-related injury prevention.
All genders and adult ages are welcomed and encouraged to participate in this series!
This series takes place EVERY WEDNESDAY from…..
Feb 1 – March 8, 2023
6:15pm – 7:15pm
That’s 6 sessions for $150 CAD!
REGISTER HERE to join Shelly for this 6-week series.
For more information about the Balance Flow Yoga intervention from the study The Effect of Yoga on Decreasing the Risk of Fall-related Injury in Peri-and Post-menopausal Women visit:
About your teacher:
Shelly Prosko, PT, C-IAYT, PCAYT
Shelly is a physiotherapist, yoga therapist, educator, author and pioneer of PhysioYoga with over 24 years of experience integrating yoga into physiotherapy within a variety of specialty areas such as pelvic health, chronic pain, professional burnout and overall health and well-being promotion and creation.
She co-developed the Balance Flow Yoga intervention for research at the School of Rehabilitation Science, at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Shelly teaches at several yoga, yoga therapy and physiotherapy schools, presents at yoga and medical conferences globally, contributes to academic research and writing, provides resources for the general population, and offers continuing education courses and mentorship for yoga and healthcare professionals. She considers herself a lifelong student and emphasizes the immense value gained from clinical experience and learning from the patients she serves, the professionals she teaches, and the colleagues with which she collaborates.
Shelly has authored numerous book chapters in yoga therapy and integrative rehabilitation textbooks and is the co-editor/author of the book Yoga and Science in Pain Care: Treating the Person in Pain. She maintains a clinical practice in Sylvan Lake, Alberta and believes compassion is the foundation of health and healthcare.
Please visit www.physioyoga.ca to learn more.
REGISTER HERE for the 6-week Balance Flow Yoga Series!