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The Montreal International Symposium on Therapeutic Yoga (MISTY) is a weekend Symposium offering specialized sessions by international based presenters with a medical background who integrate yoga therapeutics in their practice.
They come to share Quality Education, Research, Facts, Tools, Experience, Evidence based Yoga.

Presentations format are open and welcoming for interactive discussion, creating a exchange of learning for all!

~  Anyone interested in discovering the science behind Yoga

~  Yoga Teachers/Therapists, Teacher Trainers & Students of all levels
~ Medical & Mental Health Professionals such as Physical Therapists,  Osteopaths, Psychotherapists, Nurses, Physicians.

~Sessions are accessible for all curious minds

Shelly Prosko, PT, C-IAYT, PYT, CPI is one of the MISTY 2019 presenters. She will be offering two sessions:

Pelvic Floor Focus: Create Health for the person through PhysioYoga

Our pelvic floor plays a role in many aspects of our existence that contribute to a healthy life, including breathing, bowel and bladder function, sexual function, hip function, core timing, and more.
For both men and women, pelvic health issues such as pelvic pain, incontinence, constipation, pelvic organ prolapse, and sexual dysfunctions are often poorly addressed or left untreated. Shelly created PhysioYoga from her extensive training and experience, resulting in a valuable, unique and evidence-based approach that provides a variety of options to maximize pelvic floor health and overall wellness.
Join Shelly Prosko, physiotherapist and yoga therapist for this inspiring, educational, empowering and fun two-part workshop that includes theory and practice.

Session 1:

Pelvic Floor Awareness, Visualization and Relaxation: Factors Influencing PF Function
SATURDAY / 8:00 – 10:00
Lecture and experiential:

We will explore evidence surrounding the biopsychosocial factors that influence pelvic floor (PF) function and combine it with yoga practices/philosophy and physiotherapy exercises that can be used to address and maintain optimal PF health. The focus of the experiential part will be on practices that address the awareness, visualization and relaxation of the PF.

Session 2: Pelvic Floor Engagement and the Mula Bandha/Kegel Debate
SATURDAY / 10:20 – 12:20
Lecture and experiential:

We will focus on practices that facilitate PF engagement in coordination with breath, visualization and movement. An evidence-informed discussion surrounding the debate of the what, when, who and why of mula bandha and kegels will be included. A case study will be included if time permits.

 **This workshop is not intended to assess or treat or act as medical advice. Please ensure you feel safe to practice in a group class without individual assessment or attention. Please seek guidance and treatment from your health professional in your area for any unmanaged conditions.**


​For a list of all presenters, session and conference details, and to register for MISTY, please visit: http://www.homyogaevents.com/about

 All sessions at MISTY are IAYT Approved Professional Development (APD) courses: CEU’s are awarded to C-IAYT yoga therapists for attendance.

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