Montreal International Symposium on Therapeutic Yoga
2017-Mar-Fri - 2017-Mar-Sat
Montreal International Symposium on Therapeutic Yoga (MISTY)
More Information on this exceptional therapeutic yoga conference and to register, please visit HERE
Details and to register for our “Yoga in Healthcare” annual pre-conference event on March 17 at MISTY : HERE
If you use yoga as a healthcare professional, such as but not limited to PT, OT, AT, RN, MD, PA, FNP, LCSW, or other health professional, then this Pre-Conference DAY + Conference is for you!
Yoga in Healthcare MISSION:
To provide an independent organization for the preservation of, education and contribution to, yoga as evidence-based practice in our healthcare system.
The Yoga in Healthcare Initiative serves as a platform to educate others as to who we are (health care professionals using yoga therapeutically), what we do in our respective clinical practices, and why yoga in healthcare and its various services are valuable, unique and fall under our own professional scope of practices