Happy Hearts, Healthy Backs: Kelowna, BC
2014-Mar-Sat @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Join Shelly for a 3 hour Physio-Yoga Therapy workshop on the many factors influencing back pain in our culture, and discover how and why a safe yoga practise combined with physiotherapy knowledge can be effective in addressing these factors.
Debunk the myths surrounding such topics as back pain and core stability and discover the truth behind what it takes to create a healthy spine.
Enjoy a fun and inspiring yoga practise that includes meditation, pranayama (breath practises), asanas (postures), and yogic philosophy.
Be ready to be inspired and empowered to start, or continue, your journey towards balanced health and wellness!
Pre-Registration Required
**This workshop is NOT appropriate for those suffering unmanaged back pain conditions. It is not meant as a treatment session for your specific back diagnosis or dysfunctions. For your own safety, please contact Shelly to schedule a private physiotherapy assessment if you are experiencing unmanaged back pain or symptoms.**