Self Care for Health Practitioners: Preventing Burnout + Creating Health Through Yoga
Evolution Dental Group CalgarySelf Care for Health Practitioners: Preventing Burnout + Creating Health Through Yoga Calgary, AB: Evolution Dental Group In this 3 hour workshop, Shelly Prosko, Physical Therapist & Professional Yoga Therapist, will share how a regular yoga practice can help prevent practitioner burnout, promote longevity & vitality in work-life balance, optimize quality of care for your patients, and help create overall balanced health & well being. You will learn a variety of immediate techniques and practical tips to integrate into your daily routine at your workplace and at home and participate in an experiential yoga practice including meditation and mindfulness techniques, pranayama (breath practices), asana (physical poses), and other movement integrated with yoga philosophy to address components of self care that can help inspire you on your path to restore balance, vitality, peace, and reconnection to your authentic self and purpose. In-house registration only.